De Santii featured at Grand Designs!

We’re about to spill the beans on our mind-blowing adventure at Grand Designs. Our first time on the scene couldn’t have gone any better. We showcased our featured products, met incredible people, and sneaked in a few brew breaks in between. It’s no exaggeration to say that it’s quickly become one of our favourite weeks to date! We kept our stand design minimalistic, letting our products take the stand (literally) and steal the show! We added the finishing touch by sprinkling some of our epic De Santii merch all around.


We were over the moon (not literally) to showcase our phenomenal product range at this event. With all the hustle and bustle, we made sure our booth was a sight to behold. People couldn’t resist flocking to our stand, eager to chat about our products and, of course, indulge in some complimentary De Santii brews made with our hot taps! Just in case you need a little refresher, let’s take a quick review of what we had on display. Trust us, you won’t want to miss out on this.


We witnessed many prying eyes at our Melito and many couldn’t resist its “flex & stay” feature. It’s our only tap that can move in any direction and magically freeze in place. Trust us, it’s super satisfying!


Our wine cooler knocked socks off! Whether you’re a wine connoisseur or just like your soft drinks cold, this baby can store any and all beverage you throw at it.


STRONA was the star of Grand Designs for a reason. This magical 4-in-1 tap blew minds. It can serve up hot, cold, boiling, and filtered water with a flick of a wrist. Plus, it has two different modes – shower and focused jet. 


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Grand Designs

De Santii featured at Grand Designs! We’re about to spill the beans on our mind-blowing adventure at Grand Designs. Our first time on the scene couldn’t have gone any better.

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